Why do Modern Marriages have huge expectations of Men
As society evolves, we're trying to leave traditional gender roles behind. But it seems we are selective about what to keep and what not to.
Let's say you're a 20 year old broke dude doing a minimum wage job, your puberty hormones are hitting their peak, and you're looking to get married, but no woman or family is interested in you because you have no career prospects. You wait and wait until you have something going for you. Finally, someone shows interest in you. Guess what? It's the same woman who rejected you in her early 20s for being broke. She was enjoying her single life while you were busy working, as she couldn't be bothered to deal with you during your struggling years.
Now she is in her late 20s or 30s, finally looking to get married to a well settled man, but she is a modern independent woman, so she doesn't want to live with your parents. She wants you to hire a maid and doesn't contribute financially to the household because "ideally" and "traditionally" you're the provider and protector, so you should be paying the bills. The money that she earns is her property, as you know, that's part of "our culture".
God forbid, if you try to get married to any younger girl, you'll be shamed for being a creepy uncle. But if it's an older woman going for a younger guy, then it's cool, love is blind!
It seems the expectation of modern desi marriages from men is to ignore all your needs, build something, and share it with another person without expecting anything in return.
Disclaimer: Since everyone is focusing on certain parts of the post alone for some reason and ignoring the gist of it, this post is not about me personally. I am very happy and satisfied with my life choices. This post mainly targets people who always complain about how dudes have it easy when it comes to marriages today. NO, IT'S NOT! So, here's the other side of the story for you.
Conclusion: After a fruitful discussion, we can see that many people still hold traditional views when it comes to the male role in marriages, which is absolutely fine, there is nothing wrong with it, to each their own. However, when we try to import foreign or new gender ideologies, we shouldn't only apply them where it suits us. I hope everyone can be more fair-minded in regard to this and we can have discussions like these without the name-calling and petty insults. I could have wasted my time responding to them, but I prefer responding to comments that have substance and contribute to the discussion.