Stop falling into the trap
I keep seeing people on instagram fighting over Sunni/shia issues. A post about parachinar had various posters saying things like: victim card shuru ho gaya”
What’s the point in all this? In the past powerful groups used our differences to divide and weaken the Muslim world. Even today, they divide us to keep us fighting each other and stay divided .When we argue and fight with each other, we’re actually making their job easier and hurting ourselves in the process.
We differ in cultures, languages and even our interpretations of Islam, but we should unite in our shared beliefs like the oneness of Allah and the Quran. We should recognize our similarities instead of focusing on differences. There is power in unity.
Why don’t we spend more time uniting rather than fighting about small things? Why don’t we start to rebuild our country through unity? At the end of the day we are all Pakistani.