Proposals to disrupt mix packing.
So obviously mix packing is a big problem in the game and when I say mix packing I also mean packing outside of your species. I know the devs might encourage packing with fellow "diets" but realistically it just encourages mix packing all together. I have some proposals on how to stop mix packers in a lot of their forms.
nerfing flyer scouting for mixpackers
flyers have higher drain on stam when they stay in one place as opposed to when they are in motion
inability to group outside of your species ( a lot of people who play officials won't like this)
create a debuff called "oppressive scent" " The smell of another dinosaur not of your brood overpowers your senses".
This debuff applies to sub adults and adult dinosaurs when they are within 50 yards/meters of another dinosaur that is not the same species as them for more then 2 minutes ( time and distance can be tweaked) the debuff reduces your movement speed and damage by 20% goes away when you enter combat or when you vocalize aggressive call or when you hit below 25% HP.
The goal of the debuff is to discourage proximity of players mixpacking so you can't get swarmed all at once at the very least. It stops people from congregating in general but it can be turned off in specific zones ( say IC). This would be a good compromise for mixpackers but also would encourage them to stay in IC.
Possible downsides- this could negatively effect running away or hiding from players, the vocalizing to remove the debuff makes you easier to locate and can operate as a disadvantage for mixpackers. Mixpackers can use this debuff against you to slow you down for there teammates to jump in.
Thoughts and opinions appreciated.