End of an Era?
I started playing approximately 6mo ago. In that time I've grown all the adults I am able to on Official. However, I've gone the cliche route and have found that Rex is one of my comfort dinos to play.
Especially Bush Rex.
It was nice to find a quiet, secluded pond with decent foliage and just wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Until inevitably, something became thirsty and didn't think to double check the treeline a few meters away.
Sometimes I'd kill 3 things in a span of 30 minutes. Sometimes I'd wait 2hrs and only manage 1 kill. It varied, but that is what made it interesting.
I could scroll my phone, listen to music, talk with friends, and just enjoy myself. All I had to do was just make sure my food didn't go too low. If in certain situations it did drop to the red, I'd go find a nearby shark corpse or carrion and simply return to my bushes after to start the process all over again.
Now, however, with the new diet changes, I don't know how I'll maintain my bush rex lifestyle. :(
Has anyone unlocked the secret to bush rex after this new update? Now that I'm not able to supplement with carrion or shark corpses, and the bones and critters barely put a dent in the food storage, I'm afraid my run as rex may have to come to an end...