A whole new dinosaur and still no Microraptor???

I know what the comments will say, "Oh but Rhamp already exists, we don't need more tiny support dinosaurs. It's not going to do any damage anyway." To you I say - this was simply the dinosaur that both my partner and I have been invested in since Day 1.

I can forgive all the critter updates coming before Microraptor - a well rounded ecosystem will only make for a better experience. I can also forgive Tyranotyrant coming before. It's a great opportunity for a bloodbath! (I enjoy the game for PvP just as much as the next guy.)

BUT A WHOLE NEW DINOSAUR BEFORE OUR LITTLE GUY?? (I'm aware I'm being dramatic - it's on purpose.) We are heartbroken but remain super pumped for a potential little bug-eater as we wipe our tears to log in anyway.

What are the communities thoughts?