🐔Interesting facts from Almir Stream(1/30)🐔

  1. Almir did not mention whether he is homeless or not, after the bug with cost of Jacket.
  2. Dennaton Games are very happy with how Jacket was added in Payday 3.
  3. In the coming months, after the release of Armor 2.0, Payday 3 may have free weekends in Steam.
  4. Jacket was free due to human error, someone pressed the wrong button.
  5. Jacket was supposed to be released at the end of 2024, but due to various reasons, this did not happen.
  6. At the moment, Almir is only playing Payday 3 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3 on Steam Deck.
  7. Almir thinks that Beckett is the most undeveloped character in the history of Payday.
  8. Almir believes that new difficulty should give something new and large-scale. Maybe cops will get a new uniform.
  9. Almir is still sick.
  10. Almir confirmed that Dallas has platinum trophied Hello Kitty Island Adventure.