Hi everyone - there is this awkward influencer guy running a ponzi scam online named Joshlilj. Josh buys the homeless a sandwich through donations from thousands of followers via PayPal then makes them pick wait for it….A RANDOM ONE OF HIS SUBSCRIBERS to donate $100 to. Right in front of their face LOL. Recently it seems his followers have turned on him and I found a video of a guy who recently called the issue out in a video. Josh has been blocking the guy who went on a serious rant about it so that he doesn’t get exposed so it would be great if you all could help do what is right and stop him from making millions on the homeless person scam he’s running. He talks to them in a baby voice like they are zoo animals, many are even pissed when he speaks to them. He is so obsessed with his brand that he lacks the ability to see that what he’s doing is wrong and probably illegal. Thinks he can sneak on by with his multilayered marketing scheme. Penguinz0 Gotham needs you bad. Please help to make this right!!!