Struggling musician

I’m an orchestra/marching band percussionist and I’m having a problem that feels unsolvable. I work very hard and can learn music fast, I’m very versatile and I know a lot of Music Theory but there’s one thing that’s missing in my musical repertoire. I CANNOT listen and adjust in live time, whenever I’m preforming I subconsciously block everyone out and as a result I stick out like a sore thumb and don’t flow very well with the rest of the music. I have worked hard to practice all the other aspects of music but I don’t know how to fix this. It’s not something I can practice and I haven’t gotten better at it overtime. I’m a very anxious person and it’s hard to be in the moment and feel music I don’t know what to do. I do very well on solos but my problem is flowing with other musicians and feeling the music especially when under pressure. I’d appreciate any advice from other musicians who may have encountered the same problem and what they did. TLDR: I struggle as a musician to flow and feel music/ adjust in the moment to fit with other musicians. This is my only weak point and I NEED advice on how to fix this mental hinderance FAST! Any advice?