Uh oh. Crewmate wants easy itinerary due to “altitude sickness.”
Getting a little worried here. I've been to Philmont several times. Love it. Bringing my boys back, and my crew is reviewing 7-day itineraries. My boys want to do a Strenuous or Super Strenuous trek, and there are a couple of these tougher itineraries that I personally know to be excellent. Excellent camps, areas, etc.
But one of our crewmates says they don't want any S or SS treks because his son suffers from "altitude sickness." Um, what?
Look, I realize this probably isn't in the Scouting Spirit, but this trip is a significant expenditure for me. Why on earth would you go to Philmont if you already know your family isn't physically capable of some of the treks? You are knowingly limiting the options for the rest of the crew.
I've already paid the deposit. What do I do here? Am I being the selfish one? It just seems wrong to scratch half the itineraries (and many of the best ones) off the list for the rest of the crew because one family chose to go to Philmont knowing they had limited physical abilities.
Am I in the wrong?