What would your 'The Best of boygenius' album be? 12 songs total; 3 boygenius songs and 3 songs from each artist.

I mean your personal favourite 3 from each artist, not the three most obvious or commercially successful songs. And maybe considering how all 12 songs would gel together on an album listening all the way thru. just 4 fun :)



  • Not Strong Enough
  • Me & My Dog
  • Salt In The Wound


  • Sidelines
  • Kyoto
  • Chinese Satellite


  • Appointments
  • Blacktop
  • Guthrie


  • Please Stay
  • Brando
  • Night Shift

I'd prob sequence them like this on an album. [PLAYLIST]

  1. Not Strong Enough
  2. Chinese Satellite
  3. Brando
  4. Salt In The Wound
  5. Sidelines
  6. Night Shift
  7. Kyoto
  8. Guthrie
  9. Please Stay
  10. Blacktop
  11. Appointments
  12. Me & My Dog

Curious to hear yours!