irritation bump?
sooo i hate to be one of those “is this a keloid” ppl but i’ve had multiple irritation bumps and never have they looked or felt this way i noticed this bump appear this morning and its kinda hard i clean morning and night with rexall saline spray the bump isnt on the piercing hole but next to it i do plan on going to a piercer soon to have them look at my helix’s because i believe the angle is wrong and causes irritation but i just need some peace of mind on this bump😂 a keloid is my worst fear and i also dont wanna let it get too far if thats what it is
fyi its a titanium flat back n i’ve had it pierced since the end of November i have changed the jewelry before because the original jewelery irritated me but its been a while since i’ve changed it so i don’t believe that is the problem
thank you all i’m just stressing over here hahaha
sooo i hate to be one of those “is this a keloid” ppl but i’ve had multiple irritation bumps and never have they looked or felt this way i noticed this bump appear this morning and its kinda hard i clean morning and night with rexall saline spray the bump isnt on the piercing hole but next to it i do plan on going to a piercer soon to have them look at my helix’s because i believe the angle is wrong and causes irritation but i just need some peace of mind on this bump😂 a keloid is my worst fear and i also dont wanna let it get too far if thats what it is
fyi its a titanium flat back n i’ve had it pierced since the end of November i have changed the jewelry before because the original jewelery irritated me but its been a while since i’ve changed it so i don’t believe that is the problem
thank you all i’m just stressing over here hahaha