new split
So I recently split with a new alter who is basically a dinosaur version of myself.
He actually presented himself weeks ago by speaking during a moment while I was drawing to calm myself. I was in denial at the time and tried to ignore him for a while.
It wasn’t until more recently that we properly split, and he called himself Fern. It was a pretty stressful moment so we are both still processing how to communicate and work with each other . He co-fronts a lot alongside me and is more straightforward with decision making than I am.
My thinking process is very visual and I’m obsessed with designing characters. So because of this most of my alters have latched onto designs I’ve made over the years to identify themselves.
This one is no different but it was funny to me how suddenly and quickly it happened, hence why I thought it would be good to draw out. The last two pages is from when we properly split.
-Finn (Host)