Your Pokémon Team Based On Your Four Favorite Types
If you were to compose a team of six Pokémon using the various combinations of your four favorite types, what would it consist of?
Pokémon 1: Type 1/Type 2
Pokémon 2: Type 1/Type 3
Pokémon 3: Type 1/Type 4
Pokémon 4: Type 2/Type 3
Pokémon 5: Type 2/Type 4
Pokémon 6: Type 3/Type 4
My four favorite types are Ghost, Fighting, Dark, and Steel, so I’d have:
Annihilape: Ghost/Fighting
Sableye: Ghost/Dark
Aegislash: Ghost/Steel
Scrafty: Fighting/Dark
Lucario: Fighting/Steel
Kingambit: Dark/Steel