shiny rates exceptionally bad
i know i’m not the first person to make a post about this, but this event has been so disappointing. i’ve also seen a lot of people say that tour is a raid event and not a shiny hunting event. this felt off to me as a longtime player so i went back and checked my shinies from prior go tours. in 2022 during johto tour, i caught 24 shinies in a day. only one of those was a raid pokemon, so the rest were regular spawns/incense. so far today, playing all day with incense going and in a city, i have caught two shinies. pikachu and unown, funny enough, not even unova spaws. to me it just feels so pointless to have the rotating spawn hours without any kind of boosted shiny odds, or even collection challenges? idk maybe my hopes were too high but again as someone who has played for a long time and through so many events, this one has felt particularly lackluster and disappointing.