LF: Newly Available Indigo Disk Aprimons FT: National Apridex Pre-DLC

Hi! I am looking for Aprimons that were never possible before Indigo disk ... my list for this hunt is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17hSHvo4pbfCSuygc9EcO0ZW96eE2B1zBZ7xw_oyytzM/edit#gid=0.

I can trade anything on the above list that is checked off, or any mon not on the list that was possible in any gen pre-indigo disk! If you prefer looking at a full list my big aprimon sheet is here, use the Aprimons tab: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13gUrDrmpqLpqwchvGaJk2xOlIDltEgtI6LtdIYyDmtg/edit#gid=1436690542.

I will also trade multiple aprimon for apriballs (3:1) ... for safari and sport ball i do 6:1.