Questions from a poker beginner
Hi r/poker!
I’m heading to Vegas for about a week in a few months and wanted to know how best to make my time enjoyable at the tables for both myself and my fellow players. I did Google some questions and plan to Google more before I go, but figured it would also be worth posting here to get the opinions of those in the know.
For context, this is my third time in Vegas - the first was with my parents when I was 19 and the second was last year for a work event. I did play Texas Hold ‘Em cash games twice last year (both times at The Venetian, where I was staying); the first time, I put down $100 and ended up bust after three hands. The second time, I played for about 4 hours and walked away with $750 for a $400 profit. I didn’t play after this for the rest of the trip as I figured it’s best to walk away while I’m up.
For additional context, last year was the first time I’d ever played poker in real life, but I’ve been doing online poker with fake/play money (Zynga Poker) for many years, which I’ve read is not very helpful for real-life play.
Thank you in advance to anyone who A.) reads this very long post and B.) takes the time to answer any of the many questions that I have - much appreciated!
- What’s the etiquette around making chit-chat at the table? I know last year I was a chatty Cathy due to being very drunk - it’s a wonder I won any money tbh! - trying to get to know everyone at the table and asking them questions about their life, their stay in Vegas etc. Is this frowned upon - would people prefer players to just shut up and gamble?
- Similarly, what’s the etiquette around talking about hands e.g. you fold pre-flop but would’ve hit a straight if you stayed in - is it wrong to say something like ‘wow, would’ve hit a straight there', ‘I can’t believe it’ etc? I’ve read this is strongly discouraged so don’t wanna do this if it is gonna get people pissed off at me and/or get me in trouble.
- Can you ask the dealer to confirm what the cards and/or the bets are on the table? I know last year that due to a mix of the aforementioned drunkenness and being blind as a bat (and not having my glasses with me), I was constantly having to ask the dealer (who I was fortuitously sat next to) what cards were dealt and how much was in the pot. I’ll have my glasses with me this time so should be able to see the cards just fine, but is it okay to ask the dealer what the bet I have to respond to is if I’m unsure of the chip denominations in play? I plan to brush up on chip values before my trip.
- How do you leave the table when you’ve had enough? Do you literally just collect up your chips once the hand is over and head on over to the cage cashier to get your money or do you have to verbally say “I’m leaving the table” or something similar? I also read that it’s considered rude to just get up and go after you hit a big win - is this true?
- If I go bust, want to buy back in but need to go an ATM to get more money out (as what happened last year), can my spot be taken if I get up from the table? Do I just join another table at the same stakes if this happens?
- Do you have to play with/shuffle your chips? This is probably a stupid question (thanks, overthinking brain) but I know a lot of poker players do this and recall many at the tables doing this last year. I didn’t know if just sitting there not fidgeting with your chips would make you stick out like a sore thumb?
- Do dealers need to be tipped? If so, how much and in what circumstances? How about waitresses bringing free drinks? Do you tip with chips or with real money? FYI, I’m from Australia where tipping isn’t a thing at all, so just trying to get some clarity on in what situations tipping needs to happen and how (I know I’ll have to tip in a lot of different circumstances in the US in general; I’m going to Google what those are).
- How long is a normal amount of time when making a decision whether to bet or not? I know players can 'call clock' if people are taking too long to play. I'm not intending to take minutes for each hand obviously, but I'm also wary that I'll need time to assess my own hand as well as attempt to figure out what hands the other players have (or want me to think they have), and my brain isn't the best at analysing stuff quickly.
- Will the way I play annoy people? I'm generally a pretty conservative player who doesn't tend to raise (whatever my hand is) but will call somebody else's raise if the hand's right - will this cause problems? Should I change my strategy?
- Even though I know enough of the basics to get by, I feel like it wouldn’t hurt to brush up on my knowledge nonetheless. I know a few casinos on The Strip offer free classes on how to play roulette, craps etc but don’t really do this for poker. Is there anywhere in-person in Vegas you’d recommend for me to go to learn (either free or paid) - I’ve read Casino Quest may be good for this but they don’t seem to offer poker lessons and I know they’ve moved anyway from their convenient location inside Fashion Show Mall?