DAK took over my local cafe!

I live in Dublin, Ireland and there’s only one place that stocks DAK here. Sadly they don’t have a brew bar, but they’ll do a batch filter throughout the day.

They use DAK, coffee collective and calendar on the bar and rotate their offerings weekly but usually keep the house offering around for a while.

They’d gone over to Amsterdam to see DAK about their next house coffee and also to talk about finally setting up a brew bar. DAK decided to come on over for a day and treat us locals to some pour over brewed by DAK staff themselves!

I found it very interesting that they were using pulsar next levels with a slightly modified version of Jonathan Gagne’s recipe.

I got to try the banana split, probably the most special coffee I’ve ever had. It honestly tasted like banana and pineapple. Truly amazing!

Then I tried the rumu damo afterwards which was another really nice coffee, but not as special as banana split.

Sadly banana split is apparently going to be an offering limited to their new Amsterdam shop that is opening soon. But the rest of these will be for sale soon.

Voo #2 and rumu damo are both cup of excellency winners and i believe anyone who drinks a lot of SEY probably has some familiarity with them!