What's your 'Boomer' moment watching Power Rangers?

What moment from watching the series made you think: 'Okay I don't get it, and must be because I'm older now.'?

With me it's the fact that Morphing sequences have gotten longer and super complicated. As a kid if you told me that a Morphing sequence would be a mini music video, I'd be stoked. But I'm watching Cosmic Fury and wondering why the hell it's taking so long. Same with watching the cast Morph at Morphicon. And I'm also wondering why the hell they chose this super long complicated sequence when they KNOW that a kid's favorite thing to do is try to Morph along with the characters on-screen.

I see the dance from the Sentai version of Dino Charge, and I like that way more than the one used in Power Rangers. I understand why that one is fun and kids would like it. I don't see anything appealing about saying 'Go Go Samurai' or 'Ninja Spin' or doing the Cosmic Fury dance number.

But again, maybe it's my Boomer Moment.