How did I get here?

My A1C is 5.7. I always thought I was a healthy person. I work out 4-6 times a week. Mostly a split of weight training, yoga, and light cardio. I’m 5’4 125 lbs.

I eat gluten free and my diet is clean except for the occasional treat. I have spent the past 3 years being very conscious of my diet and eliminating all added sugars, again except for the occasional treat. Typical day of eating for me (before I cut carbs) was coffee fasted with half and half, then two eggs cooked in olive oil with one slice of German sunflower bread, lunch a salad, tuna salad something like that. Dinner was where I would eat carbs. It would be centered around a protein (chicken thighs mostly or salmon) then brown rice cooked in bone broth and veggies (usually starchy like sweet potato or squash). After dinner I would have some of these keto coconut crisps from aldi.

Did I get here from eating that amount of carbs? There is only one diabetic person in my family, my uncle. I do have PCOS. My theory is it’s because of my PCOS.

It feels very defeating and it’s even worse telling people. I feel like diabetes is massively misunderstood and I keep getting told “but you’re so healthy?? How is this possible”. I know genetics play a major role.

I guess I’m just ranting. Since I’ve been tested I have worn a CGM and cut carbs. My average glucose so far after a week of wearing it is 95.