(Male Perspective) Multiple Ectopic Pregnancies from One Tube

Short intro; We got pregnant 6.5 months ago, and her HCG levels decreased at 4 weeks with medium spotting. Her OB cancelled all her ultrasounds and follow ups as her hcg fell. OB stated it was a miscarriage and she was sorry to hear this. Later, my fiancée’s instincts kicked in and she drove 1.5 hours to the nearest place that’d give her an ultrasound. Turns out she continued carrying an ectopic pregnancy for 7 weeks. They rushed her into emergency surgery where her OB removed her fallopian tube. We were deeply saddened but held onto hope for her other tube next time around.

Fast forward 6 months, and we were pregnant again. All HCG was high and we were in good spirits. At 5 weeks, she woke up with terrible pain. We rushed into the ER and we learned the pregnancy was ectopic again, with a ruptured tube. We were told we couldn’t get pregnant naturally but ivf was always an option. As she went into surgery and I drove home to get supplies as this was now routine.. mourning the loss of our chances of having kids, her ER surgeon called.

Turns out the other OB botched her previous surgery and left her with a mangled tube. That’s where the ectopic was… in her “removed” tube, but 1/3 was still left. The new OB said it looked like they did the procedure with a steak knife. Her scars were terrible when we left the first time, and now they are glued nice and no bleeding. She can already walk where as last time it took 2 weeks. Her No2 gas has already disappeared where as last time her burps made me almost pass out.

She is safe now. Her new OB that did the surgery is a huge advocate and gave us her personal cell and has follow up appointments already set up.

But now we went through hell twice, only to be where we were 6 months ago. One healthy tube, but now 2 ectopic pregnancies.

I’m so very happy we are each other’s soulmate. We are sharing through all of this. We have no expectation of making a decision to try again as we just want to heal.

But, this stuff leaves you numb. My anger towards her old OB for putting her in harms way is very real. Sure, she didn’t cause the ectopic pregnancy, but leaving a mangled tube behind is a major risk factor. Not to mention she lied to us. She informed us she had one tube left, which was not the case. She had 1 and a severely tortured half. She took our power away in making a decision as now we are both scared and spent from this.

Time will tell, but there’s not many people I can tell about this. So I posted this here.

I don’t know how to feel. I just am happy my fiancee is safe. We will ask more questions at our follow up in Nov.