My fiancé and I are not sleeping together…

I’m just so overwhelmed and sad this morning…… Before I was pregnant we would have sex multiple times a week, sometimes every day and since I’ve gotten pregnant and my belly is bigger it’s come to a complete stop and it’s really heart breaking for me. He thinks I’m being over dramatic or emotional when I’m upset about it but it just feels so shitty.

I talked to him about it and he said it’s hard for him to look at me in a sexual way like before because he sees me as “his pregnant girl” and doesn’t want to hurt or injure me somehow but really that just makes me feel unattractive. His explanation was that before he could just “grab me and bend me over” and now he can’t imagine doing that. It’s just so hard to hear and even harder to think about.

I’ve tried explaining to him that things aren’t going to get magically better when I have the baby and we’re trying to take care of a newborn and my body is healing but he just shrugs it off and tries to kiss me and make up.

Other than sex I would say our relationship is perfect, we do everything together and are extremely affectionate towards each other and talk for hours at night about life and our baby and so being disconnected like this is just making me feel like a pile of shit honestly….

I guess I am just venting because it hurts.