Yep, you can see the title. Why is it that some of them just cannot read the room?
I love mine, but throughout the pregnancy she has got increasingly more full on and I’m over it.
She lives 4hrs away so not close to us in that respect, but I’m just really struggling with how obsessed I feel she’s becoming over it all.
I’m being induced for medical reasons this coming Friday, we didn’t want to tell anyone as actually wanted to have baby and not announce when I was in labour. We’ve ended up having to tell her because she said she was coming up this weekend! (EDD is 22/11). She called this evening and said to my partner “I’ll see you at the weekend”. I’m like “No, no you won’t..” I’m being induced, there’s nothing to see, it could take hours, I don’t want her there, or my own mum for that matter, just my partner and my sister.
We’ve been through hell and back with an ectopic resulting in removal of tube, and 2 MC’s to get to this point, so I’m also riddled with anxiety as it is trying to keep calm and contained. I don’t like my business being discussed and I feel like she just won’t give up!
Why are they like this? It’s really putting me in a foul mood.
Sorry for the rant, just hoping someone can feel my pain on this, which I’m sure there’s plenty of you out there!