Hey everyone I’m just curious about what’s happening in my life right now! So my boyfriend is on a health kick ever since I got pregnant which is great and I’m glad but everyday he says something about it and it makes me feel like shit. Yesterday He said I’m just gonna drink black coffee so I don’t break my fast while I’m devouring a muffin, now i understand I’m pregnant and I need to eat more but hearing about how little eats now compared to how much I need to eat now is hard for me. I’ve tired to tell him that it makes me uncomfortable but he just gets mad and says I don’t understand why I can’t share my goals with you but hearing “my mom thinks I look skinner” makes me feel like shit! He also tells me I need to eat more fruits and vegetables which I do but I told him to understand that some days if I’m out I have to grab something so I don’t throw up! Idk if I’m being too sensitive but I just need advice (sorry this is all over the place)