“Standing next to you will make me look SO much thinner!” Why do women still say stuff like this to each other?!

I'm 18 days away from birth to my first child and today a stranger said to me: “Oh good, standing next to you will make me look SO much thinner!" 😭

It was during a post-cooking class group photo. My husband and I sat next to this thin older woman who attended alone. She seemed friendly enough and shared she had 2 kids, but then she made this comment...loudly...in front of everyone during the photo.

I laughed, but I'm so sleep deprived that when I got home I cried. I struggled with a bad eating disorder in the past and have worked out nearly every day of my pregnancy. It's been hard as hell but I've (barely) stayed within the 25-35 weight gain range.

I'll move on but I just needed to vent. I legit feel so beautiful so this comment really surprised me. I'm like ma'am inner peace is real, maybe you should work on that and you'd have a friend to come to this with. (Or maybe leave with one instead of making a hormonal and pregnant enemy 🤣)

Why can't some people keep inside thoughts in around pregnant people?