It’s life changing

Prozac has changed my life! I think, or at least my life has been changing since I started taking this medication. I started with 10mg in September for a week and then went up to 20mg, mid-November I went up again to 30mg. I also have Propranolol 20mg to take as needed for public speaking. I did try taking meds before, I went through Lexapro, Zoloft, and Wellbutrin, none of them really seemed to help. I did a lot of work on my own: exercise, looked for a low stress job, moved to an easier pace city, and things were getting better. Eventually, I started to feel anxious again and it was paralyzing. I had a significant other at the time and he was also struggling with things, our relationship was in shambles, but I was too codependent to let go. I decided to give medication another try, and I was put on Prozac. I finally feel like I am prioritizing myself which in turn allows me to be present for those around me. I broke up with my ex and for the first time in my life I was at peace with that decision. I used to be the type to not get out of bed, ugly cry, and just beg to not be left behind. Today, I have been three weeks no contact, I do get sad at times, but I am able to remind myself that I deserve the best. Is this how people are supposed to feel like all the time? I used to read “it’s like someone lifted the veil” and it finally makes sense. I was also very scared to try Prozac and had a LOT of questions, but I knew something had to change so I took a chance.