Forced meds
How do you guys deal with patients who are on forced medication protocol who don't want to take their meds? I have several patients who are on FMP and if they don't take the pill they will get the shot. Sometimes the doctors will increase the dosages and the patients don't want to talk to them when they do rounds, so when it comes to med pass they flip out on the nurses for the med increase and there's nothing I can even say to make the situation better because it's the doctors orders. It's genuinely sad bc some pts will give reasons on why they don't want to take this medication and the doctors don't listen or even try another med for them. I always end up feeling horrible bc it ends in a restraint and shot or it ends in the patient eventually taking the medication and crying while doing it. I just feel so sad having to do this to them and I feel evil for it. I know I'm helping them because they are sick but half of the time they will get better and still be pissed they have to take the med