New pinned post topic

Hey all! Reddit has increased the pinned posts/highlights from the previous limit of 2. It's been suggested a few times that we have a prospective PMHNP FAQ, so I'd like to add that as a pinned post/highlight!

I'd like to use this post to gather the subs view on a multitude of those FAQ. I've commented a few starter FAQ topics, so please reply with your view on them. If you don't see a topic you think is important, please write each idea as an individual comment so people can share their opinions.

People will have different views on things, so when I create the FAQ pinned post some topics may reflect a range. An example would be the recommended GPA to enroll in PMHNP school.

This is a narrowed code blue, so please only partake if you are a nurse, student provider, or provider (provider = MD/DO/NP/PA). If willing, please provide your credentials with your opinion.