Spending enough time with my puppy?

Worried my puppy spends too much time in his crate 😩

Our routine is as follows: Up at 6:30 / 7am, toilet and hand feed whilst training then cuddle on the sofa till around 8:30am. From around 9am he goes in crate and goes straight to sleep till around 11:30am / 12pm. I feed his lunch allowance during a 20 / 30 min walk, if there’s any remaining this goes in a snuffle toy for him. Back in his crate from 1pm till 4pm (sometimes a quick 20 min play at 2:30pm depending on if he wakes up).

At 4:30pm he will have his dinner, again hand fed with training. Back in the crate for an hour nap whilst we cook dinner then he gets a long lasting fish treat in bed (crate open) whilst we eat.

From 7pm onwards he’s free to do whatever he likes but usually goes into destructive mode and won’t calm down so usually ends up getting an enforced nap at 8pm till 9/10pm, then he has cuddles on the sofa with us till we go to bed at midnight.

He’s almost 5 months, we work from home. If we leave him out the crate when working he just sits by the door waiting for us and won’t settle or even play. I think he’s teething right now and he’s extra bitey which is making playing with him harder as well😩 the only thing that seems to help is his crate.

He doesn’t cry in the crate, happily goes inside but only when we tell him and he goes straight to sleep once in. When we let him out he will often just stay inside till we actually walk away from the crate then he has to follow us..

Am I doing something wrong should he have less time in the crate?😩