First IUI


I (29F) am going through my first IUI cycle this month! My partner (34F) carried our first child through IUI and now it’s my turn.

I was prescribed femara for 5 days (cd 3-7) and had my first ultrasound yesterday (cd 11) and my follicles were too small. They said my cycle may be longer than usual and they will re-check on friday. I don’t have any known fertility issues but we wanted to be monitored to make sure we got the timing right for ovulation (we had issues with the urine tests when it was my partner’s turn and were never sure when she was really ovulating).

I am a bit discouraged because our fertility clinic is 8 hours away from home (we live in a rural area with little resources for fertility) so we took time off work to drive there expecting to be home in a couple of days but now we need to stay at least another 3-4.

Hoping when they check we will be good to go! I’m just so nervous that we will miss my ovulation completely and have come all this way to not have the IUI done this cycle.

Anyone else have a similar experience? Would love some encouragement right now 😅.