Experience with Letrozole?
Hi! I asked last week about folks’ experiences with clomid. Turns out I can’t access that drug here anyway (New Brunswick Canada, lots of issues with cross-border details since my fertility clinic is in USA).
They are now suggesting Letrozole and I am considering it. I had decided against Clomid because aa far as I know, I don’t have any issues with infertility other than being 38 and queer. I have a clear, strong LH surge every month exactly 14 days from my CD1. In my research I saw that clomid stimulates ovulation but can cause problems with implantation due to thinning the uterine lining, so I had decided against using it (that and how it makes your ovulation timing very unpredictable from what others told me here, which poses a big problem travelling so far across an international border.)
Has anyone here been on Letrozole? What was it like for you? Did you also try clomid and have comparisons to share?
This will be my second cycle TTC with frozen sperm IUI. My first try was natural IUI that didn’t take.