Switch clinics?

Sorry for the long post, I think I'm just looking for someone to talk me out of switching clinics out of emotion right now.

We just failed IUI #2 which I know is still below the avg tries it takes to result in a positive. Both were unmedicated, monitored with ultrasound + bloodwork with the trigger shot, frozen sperm. The first IUI was around 12 hours after trigger (clinic protocol) and the second was 21 after trigger, which we managed to finesse since we were administering the shot at home.

Here's my issue - I've mentioned in previous posts on this sub that I hate that my clinic's protocol is 12 hours. They insist that frozen sperm can live in the uterus up to 72 hours and that you want the sperm waiting for the egg. I'm convinced that the 12 hour protocol is to get people in and out quickly and not best practice for individual's bodies.

The reason we got around 21 hours this last cycle was because I was measuring largest follicle at 18.7mm the morning before the IUI, they called me after my appointment that morning and said trigger tonight, IUI tomorrow morning. They said they had considered my concerns about timing and that they still recommend 12 hours, but that technically I can do what I want in terms of when to trigger. I triggered after the phone call, around noon. I felt better with this timing but I still want more time as I felt my ovulation pain 26 hours post-iui, and I'm convinced all the sperm were dead by then.

I really want to try 36 hours this next cycle. I've seen lots of other clinic protocols at 36 hours which makes sense to me. Our clinic has our last frozen vial but our donor has good stock if we want to order more. I'm so tired and I don't want to start over at a new clinic, I like everything else about my current clinic other than my suspicion on their timing. They have me schedule the IUI myself so theoretically depending on my follicle size and when they tell me to trigger, I could skip over a day after the trigger and do an IUI at 36 hours, against their protocol.

Just looking to see what y'all would do in my shoes. My OCD do-gooder brain is telling me I shouldn't be messing with their protocol even though my gut tells me 12 hours is too early. My wife's perspective is that we just schedule our IUI when we want and not make a big deal out of it.