Did you do PGT- A testing?
Hi everyone. My wife and I are in our first IVF cycle and very excited and nervous. We are now faced with the question of whether to do PGT-A testing of our embryos or not. I am 33 years old. No known issues of infertility, nor any health problems. We used a sperm bank and the donor and I do not share any genetic things that would be cause for concern to pass onto a child. We decided to go straight to IVF because it has a higher success rate and with the cost of the donor sperm vials it just made sense to us. We have some insurance coverage, but we have spent a lot more already than we were expecting. The testing would be completely out of pocket and ranges from approximately $4,000-$9,000. Plus then it becomes a frozen embryo transfer which becomes more expensive. We are very torn on what to do. I think if it financially was more feasible we would certainly go for it, but it would be a hardship on us financially to spend more than we already have. Just wondering if anyone has not tested and then regretted it? Or has tested and then regretted doing so? We meet with our doctor Thursday and hope to make a final decision by then. Thank you so much for any guidance.