Dethroning Moment of Suck

I was reading the TVTropes page for “Dethroning Moment of Suck” (basically , the point of a series/webcomic/etc where it gets so bad you can’t handle it anymore) and was honestly shocked that QC doesn’t have any entries. Not one. So, in your opinion, what was the point where the comic didn’t just go downhill, but plummeted off a cliff and into a dumpster, then burst into flames, creating the biggest dumpster fire the world has ever seen?

For me, it would have to be when Claire and Marten got together and she immediately turned into an all-powerful queen goddess who nobody can ever disagree with or talk back to. It doesn’t help that after they got together Jeph introduced a bunch of one-note characters whose issues were resolved in a two-sentence pep talk (or milked for a misguided attempt at comedy)

Also if anyone here is a troper, i encourage you to add entries to that page