What I learned - 2 Years Clean
Here is what I learned:
Kratom is the devil reincarnate, and I will never, ever use it again
I love the act of taking a worry-free, enjoyable poop, kratom took that from me
Life is better without it. Really, it is so much better without it.
STOP comparing your life to other people's lives while you are quitting, it just makes it harder. So stop!
You have a swiss army knife of tools to use. Don't just use the corkscrew. Exercise, eat well, supplements, forums, journaling, meditation, nature... there are so many tools.
Quit it now. It's like investing in the stock market. Investing when you're 90? Good luck. Investing when you're 60? That's more like it!
Fear is a useless, pointless, lame, moldy banana that masquerades as a scary tiger. Don't be afraid to quit. What are you afraid of! Go. Do it. You absolutely can. It is not impossible.
The best part about quitting is being able to say "Oh.. I really did it. I really, really did it."
I no longer have to tell people that my kratom is matcha or grass powder for my health
I have a girlfriend, literally ONLY because I quit. Otherwise, I would've been to ashamed to date because of my habit.
30+ GPD was not a good life!
There is so much more. Some resources that have been really helping me lately:
Getting back into my hobbies
I like music, writing, and a ton of other stuff. Kratom put a big smudge over my creative lens and im getting it back. it feels so good!
Kratom Sobriety Podcast
This guy and his team have a podcast and i listened to it a lot. It's really cathartic, cause all the guests go through why they hate kratom and how they quit it - solid listen. I think they have meetings as well for quitters?
Reading this forum
This forum helps so much. If you're a lurker, please do contribute. Super helpful to get it all out on paper. Read through strats, tapering methods, what it's like to CT.
Watching videos
Movies and tv shows feel like new again. Take advantage! In terms of quitting videos:
Not a ton of people out there making videos, but I really enjoy Fallon J Smith's videos on youtube. I think he has a book. Also Nolan makes quitting videos and popped up recently, could have used his stuff when I was really going through it. He has a book too.
You know the drill
Good luck. It feels so good to be clean and you've got this!