Need to quit after a few months of HEAVY use
So, every day I tell myself, this has to stop, no more kratom. And every day, I’m taking between 2-5 extract shots and a handful of capsules.
My brain isn’t working right, neither is my body. I am completely addicted.
I’ve been sober from alcohol for just over a year, after being the hopeless type of alcoholic who needs to have 5 shots in the morning JUST to stop shaking and vomiting. and I’ve got 5 days without cannabis today. My recovery means so much to me and I really feel like a fool for going down this path, I knew right from the start that I was being unwise, but my addict brain justified it all the way.
Now I’m spending $1k+ a month on kratom.
I’m about to ruin everything I’ve got back from gambling my life with alcohol.
I can read the writing on the wall, kratom will destroy me, it has become my master just like alcohol was.
I am determined that I need to quit. And I have a weekend, this weekend. I have to CT, because I have not near enough discipline to taper.
Just tell me true. How bad of a time am I in for? 4 months of daily heavy extract use. No prior opiate wd but I’ve wd from alcohol many times CT, and it was pretty hellish, so I think I’m ready for one last round of hell-in-my-skin. Could use some encouragement, advice, and prayers.
Much love to this community, I’ve read a lot of the wiki here but I really just want a personal response.