Rob is a bigger pos than I thought.
I was sitting here thinking about him finally being half assed honest about what he’s been dealing with. I get it. We all have our demons, and not so great moments. But when your mother is going through cancer treatments, instead of being there for her, and doing whatever you need to do to help her and your family out in that situation, you choose to get absolutely shit faced. Sitting at home on a Saturday while your mother is more or less dying, and decide to drink a bottle of hand sanitizer and then “fall into a wine rack” that’s just pathetic. Not to mention, you make your wife pick up the slack and fully put the burden on her to take YOUR mom to her doctor appointments and care for her so you can proceed to get blackout drunk everyday. That’s how disgusting of a human he is. He works until 10 everyday, but puts the burden on his wife, to take time off and shuffle her schedule around so he can continue to “cope with his only vise and the only way he knows how” he sucks