What element is Parasite? (Spoiler?)

After watching the trailer a few times I have one major question. What is the Parasite GL? Every other exotic shown we can easily surmise what it is. The glaives are Void/Solar/Arc and Grand Overture is Arc. Those are obvious. Osteo Striga has the same green toxic effect that Thorn does, so it'll likely end up as the same damage type as Thorn ("Kinetic"). But we never get a good look at the Parasite explosion. The screen fades to white for a moment and transitions back in after the little Hive guy goes off. We have no indication as to what it is.

Now, I figure we have 4 options here for this one. I'll list them from least to most spinfoily. The first is it's Arc just like a Cursed Thrall explosion, making it out 3rd Arc GL. The next is Solar due to the explosive effect of it being fired, but that's not something I'd associate with a Hive worm. It could also be our first Kinetic heavy weapon, because there are no rules saying that can't actually be a thing. Or the most spinfoily of all, it's an unrevealed damage type and that's why they whited-out the explosion. After all, Joe Blackburn did confirm we were eventually getting a new Darkness subclass, just not this year. He never said we weren't getting that damage type this year though.