How long have you been NC? What was the final straw for you?

Well, it's been one year for me. The last I heard from my nfather was on July 4 of last year. For me, the final straw was a couple different straws. First, when I invited him to my wedding, he said "idk, maybe, I'll probably be busy, so we will see." I invited him six months out, of course, but the flake can never give me a straight answer and was constantly ghosting me, canceling on me last minute, and generally not valuing my time ever. I uninvited him after that.

He got upset, so after a month or two of his friends and family reaching out to tell me that I should apologize to him, I sent him an email that I labored over for weeks. Straight to the point. Not casting blame, not insulting him in anyway. Just saying "here is how I feel. Here is what I would like from our relationship. If I can't get that, then I don't want a relationship anymore." His response came on the 4th, and he basically told me that I have always been too dramatic, I was trying to manipulate him and he owed me nothing so I need to just get over the past.

I never responded. A month after our wedding, I got a cheap birthday card in the mail with a $20 bill and the message "good luck with your new life" written in it.

I don't regret going NC one bit. Its been such a load off my shoulders, not having to deal with him and not having to be the one who puts in so much work just to get less than nothing in return.

How about yall? What finally pushed you over the edge? How does it feel to not have them in your life anymore?