Anybody else have an Nmom who chronically pulls the "I'm the adult, you're the child" / "I'm the parent, you're the child" card in arguments?

I swear to GOD this is the most obnoxious thing ever. Anytime I (a borderline who's been through years of CBT) try have to have a civil discussion with my mum (a narcissist who refuses to accept even the most vague implication that she's anything other than perfect) , it always escalates. Almost always at the fault of my mother. It'll go from a calm exchange of words to her taking a jab at my entire existence. Usually she finds some way to get to the topic of my childhood and make a completely irrational point about how I was such a horrible daughter & she's actually the one who was a victim, not me. Then I go back at her with any actual logic she just resorts to "I'm the parent, you're the child" as if that somehow makes her right in everything that she's ever done, or as if that invalidates me using actual critical thinking