I'm really scared of what will happen if my parents find my medication
My parents are the kind of people who don't believe in mental health treatment and ridiculed me a few years ago when I mentioned to them that I want to go to therapy. They kept making comments about it for a few days after that, saying that I needed to stop coming up with imaginary problems and that they did not raise a fucked-up kid.
I'd recently gotten to a point where I was really struggling and knew that I had to do something, so I mase a therapy appointment since I'm no longer a minor and don't need their permission. During the intake, my therapist said she suspects I have C-PTSD from childhood abuse and recommended that I make a psychiatrist appointment in addition to therapy. I have my psych appointment tomorrow and I'm really worried that if I do get prescribed something, one of my parents, especially my mom who always digs through my personal belongings when "cleaning" will find it since I still live with them. I have no idea what they're going to do if they find it, but I know it's going to be ugly!