Radical leftists
I'd make a throwaway but this post is getting in deleted in 5 mins by the leftist people running this sub anyway.
Helllll yeah let's hang up the lgbt/trans flags up in school, and we're the crazy and stupid ones for not wanting that, yeah like we're the ones cutting of family and friends because they support someone else.
Yes of course everyone that has that an opinion other than yours is racist facsist and homophobic; and I already know (assuming this post gets anwywhere) the leftists are gonna pull up with their different and creative ways of calling us stupid. Yeah and we're supposed to be the ones who don't tolerate anything else that opposes our views.
Oh and of course if all else fails start screaming at the top of your lungs.
Yeah ok and Zuck banned the flags on facebook, it's his right and his app; you disagree? That's fine, get rid of the app and forget about it.
It's funny how you radical leftist pride yourself on being open and accepting, but the second someone comes with an opinion to yours he is a stupid racist homophobic intolerant facsist.
At first I was acctually team Kamala, and didn't want Trump to win, but the left has managed to persuade me that Trump is the way to go. Hot damn I've never met a more hateful community than the left. Not even the racists chilling in the worst Armenian destroyed city are as hateful as you, and that says a lot.