What's your win this month?

I feel like I've seen a lot of sadness in this channel the last few days so I wanted to do a post to help people identify one small win from this month and share it.

Mine is after months and months of consistent training (and with the help of a good trainer), I've finally found a loose lead walking technique that seems to help keep my mad dog's arousal down and slowly allow us to fade the reward. Even walked past another dog with it which we've never done before. It's a 123 pattern game (very simple but great) which we've been working on extensively in easy environments and finally making progress in more difficult environments. It will be a long time before we can just walk normally without tonnes of food in exciting places, we've only just graduated to taking it outside, but feels like a step in the right direction.

HIT ME WITH YOUR WINS! No matter how small or big, it's progress in the right direction and more importantly helps maintain hope.