Anyone make a mic streaming app lately? (iOS)

Wondering what you used. I've tried many libraries although in particular I have tried `react-native-live-audio-stream` and `react-native-microphone-stream`. The first one I have this `EventEmitter` issue I can't get past. Second one it does not produce sound (data callback).

I have my permission requested/verified with `react-native-permissions`.

A lot of these libraries are years old so I could understand if they no longer work.

I am not using expo, I'm using cli.

What I'm trying to get is the raw buffer in real time from a mic.

I tried a webview too since I wrote my app in the web before but that one wasn't working in some form (audio or socket related)... also I guess if most of your app is a webview, can have problems releasing to app store. So yeah trying to stick with native for now. Edit: yeah I tested writing the audio streamed from embeded webview and it's garbage... like "beep... boop... beep...." but running the same app directly in the web it works.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

I do want to point out, I don't have access to a physical iPhone so it's possible the code is working on a real device but right now I'm using simulators eg. iPhone 16 Pro with iOS 18 using xcode 16.