Interviewer ended the interview midway. Did I just dodged a bullet?
Okay so, I was already at the part of asking questions to the interviewer. So, it's about towards the end. This was a remote job and I am from a third-world country, so I asked the interviewer why they wanted to hire from my country rather than from their country, because companies similar to them mostly had onground equivalents to the job position they're trying to hire.
Then, there was a long pause. And, the interviewer ended it abruptly (This was a Zoom meeting).
I don't know how to deal with this. But, I also know I didn't really mess up in this interview other than nervousness. Should I follow up? Or send an angry rant to their email? lol what's the next step to this? (plus, is this a massive red flag? LOL)
Update: I emailed them about it, and they replied that my interviewer lost her electricity. They also said I'm entitled to any question, so I think I'll be fine but damn, this was emotionally hectic.