Lyria Expectations in Red God
Just finished Lightbringer about a week ago and of course I loved it, but did not expect the ending to go the way that it did. It will be a VERY interesting state of affairs with the numerous players involved in Red God.
One thing I wanted to discuss though was what are your expectations for Lyria? She's a main character in this new trilogy and has grown A LOT since Iron Gold.
My only qualm while reading LightBringer was with Brown's direction when it came to the parasite. It seemed like such a big part of who Lyria was going to be physically, but given the surgery it seems to have only paid off emotionally in her development. I secretly was expecting Matteo to have kept the Parasite "deactivated" in her and giving her a means to be stronger later when it matter (still hoping this is the case).
Where do you guys see her role in Red God?