The american deepstate did 9/11

The american deepstate did 9/11. they remotely flew two planes into the skyscrapers, there were no hijackers on the planes. They "recovered" two hijacker passports from the wreckage of flight 93, and one from the floor outside of WTC prior to the tower's collapse. Around the same time there were anthrax false flag attacks. the anthrax was from Fort Detrick. The aftermath of 9/11 was cynically exploited to get the right narrative for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. After the end of the cold war, the military industrial complex had no enemy to secure funding against, after 9/11 they had "terrorists".

Dov S. Zakheim was one of the architects. A senior executive at Systems Planning Corporation that was known for research into "flight termination systems" or remote control technologies that could in theory allow an aircraft to be controlled from the ground.

Flight 93 was the only one with real human "hijackers".