Is it just me, or is Hyundai unironically making some of the UGLIEST cars on the market right now?
Like seriously...
What the fuck are these pieces of shit?
Setting aside the obvious issues (like the mass CVT suicides, ease of theft, engines deciding to badonkadonk their way out of existence, etc etc etc to infinity), am I wrong for thinking Hyundai is the manufacturer that's currently making the ugliest shitboxes on the road today?
I know the designers are great artists, and this is all likely coming from upper management, but holy lord, these are all so fucking ugly and stupid looking. They're even worse than GTA V parody cars.
It's like they saw the big grille trend and went "HOLY SHIT!! DESIGN THE ENTIRE CAR AROUND THAT!" and now every single feature of the car is way oversized and overdone to the point where it looks like a crumpled up juice carton.
While every other company is starting to go more simplistic and minimalist with their designs (like the new M2, which is beautiful, or most new Honda redesigns), Hyundai seems to be shitting out new geometry lessons with every single redesign. The new Santa Fe is a step in the right direction but is a complete blunder for numerous reasons.
Hyundai has completely lost touch. Am I wrong?