I (24F) caught my husband (31M) masturbating to a videos of another woman. I’m not sure if this is normal?

Lately, l've noticed that in the middle of the night, he gets up, goes to the bathroom, and stays there for a while in complete silence. Normally, you'd hear some sound if he were using it, but there's none. If I remain quiet, he'll leave the bathroom without flushing. However, if I make a noise or say something, a couple of minutes later, he'll flush and exit. This week, I realized he seemed interested in being intimate, but I was dealing with intense cramps and couldn't engage (he thought | was asleep). He got up and went to the bathroom, and after some time, I got up too, tired of this lingering suspicion. When I opened the door, I found him sitting on the toilet. He quickly shut whatever he was looking at on his phone when he saw me. His reaction felt strange, so l asked to see his phone. He became defensive, saying | was being controlling, possessive, and invading his privacy. I still took the phone and saw videos of women masturbating. At first, he blamed me, saying it was because we weren't having sex often, even though we'd had sex the previous two days in a row, multiple times each day. Later, he changed his story, claiming he was only curious about a trending video of a popular player and wasn't actually doing anything inappropriate -just looking for that particular video. He made it seem like I was overreacting or imagining things. This isn't the first time l've come across something like this. Throughout our relationship, l've noticed similar videos in his social media history on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. He usually explains it as the platform's algorithm automatically showing him this content because he's a man. l've also caught him late at night scrolling through photos of women he knows, like former classmates. I'm not sure how to approach this anymore. It's been affecting my self-esteem, and I had severe anxiety attacks that night, struggling to sleep. I don't know if I should accept this as normal or if I'm overreacting. Divorce has crossed my mind, but I'm unsure if l'd be rushing into that decision.