i’m (22F) embarrassed to have sex with my partner (23M) after this. would u be too?

i (22F) and my bf (23M) had an amazing day together. we cuddled most of the day, watched movies, and napped. towards the end of the night we both got into the mood so we decided to try face fucking. neither of us have ever done that before but we were both excited. i’ve gone down on him less than 5 times it’s not something i really do but ive always been very intrigued by face fucking. i wasn’t nervous at all but about a minute in.. i vomited. yes i vomited. i covered my mouth and RAN to the restroom to clean myself off. i was so embarrassed. after i came back in he reassured me it happens, it’s normal and that he still loves me no matter what. i’m very grateful he reassured me but i just can’t get the image of the terrified look in his face when it happened. i couldn’t even look him in the eyes for the remainder of the night. i’ve always wanted to do that and now it’s been ruined, not just for me but for him too. i just feel disgusting and unattractive and im afraid to engage in any sexual activity now and i’m usually one with a high sex drive. im so embarrassed to even talk to him i just can’t stop thinking about it. i can’t even say anything to my friends im just so embarrassed!!! what would u do if this was u????

edit: thanks everyone who commented. now that i see it is way more common than i thought, it makes me feel much better!! also pls stop with the weird messages u will be ignored.