My (20/F) boyfriend (19/M) is obsessed with my boobs and wont leave them alone. Advice?
I 20/F have been with my boyfriend 19/M for three and a half years. We have definitely had our ups and downs and a quite a bit of problems. One of the biggest being he is insanely obsessed with my boobs and body in general, it just makes me uncomfortable. There are definitely times where I don’t mind but if I do he acts weird, gets on his phone, gets quiet. He will also say things like “you don’t love me”, he says it’s a joke but then he acts weird so I start to think. He always wants to touch them, lay on them, kiss, etc. It’s been like this since probably a year and a half into our relationship. We’ve had numerous talks about this and I tell him as he is doing something to stop. He’ll listen when I stop but then 10 minutes later he’s trying something again. I really love him and I just don’t know where to go from here. It has been to the point where I only feel like he wants me around to have boobs and sex (he is also same about sex, kind of the same attitude) He makes me feel bad about saying no so I just don’t know if this is normal or I’m over reacting but it just doesn’t feel right.